Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Pengertian procedure text

Teks prosedur (procedure) adalah teks yang berisi tentang bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan dengan cara menjelaskannya dalam serangkaian tindakan atau langkah.

🔸Goal / purpose of text:
Procedure is set of steps which should be complete in the right sequence to get the goal.

🔹Generic structure:
Goal: title of the text (especially for a recipe)
Material: optional, not for all procedure texts.
Steps: a series of steps oriented to achieving the goal.

🔸Languange features:
1. The use of simple present tense, often in an Imperative form. Example add some salt etc.
2. Mainly use temporal conjunction (or numbering to indicate sequence especially in written text)

For example

Thank you

posted from Bloggeroid


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